News relating to: Family money
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What to expect at a financial dispute resolution (FDR) hearing
If you are applying for a financial order, also known as financial relief, as part of your divorce or dissolution of your marriage or civil partnership, then the court will list your case in for a financial dispute resolution hearing, ...
Read more07.08.2024

Think twice before using social media during a family dispute
It is forecast that, by the end of this year, 90 per cent of the UK adult population will use a social media account at least once a month. This is a remarkable statistic, but perhaps even more remarkable is ...
Read more15.09.2022

How to spot the signs of financial and economic abuse in a relationship
Financial and economic abuse within a relationship can take many forms. Crucially, it involves limiting the victim’s ability to independently manage their assets or money, for example by cutting them off from economic resources, thus making the victim dependent on ...
Read more21.07.2022

Who pays private school fees after divorce or separation?
According to the Financial Times the average fee for an independent or private school education is now over £15,000 a year for day pupils and £36,000 for boarders. This represents a substantial financial commitment over the education of a child, ...
Read more01.07.2022

Is a prenup part of your business risk management strategy?
Managing risk is an essential part of any business operation and while personal relationships do not often appear high on a business risk register, an acrimonious divorce has the power to devastate a small business. ‘While few anticipate or want ...
Read more11.05.2022

Report published on the Legal Rights and Remedies for Economic Abuse
Domestic abuse is a multi-faceted concept, within which “financial abuse” and “economic abuse” are forms of domestic manipulation and exploitation which rarely receive much attention. However, our solicitors know from our clients, that such abuse can be devastating and can ...
Read more31.03.2022

Can you really have a clean break in a divorce?
Many people mistakenly believe that a divorce severs your financial ties, but that is not the case. It is necessary to either agree your financial arrangements via a separate negotiation and have the settlement formalised by the court, or have ...
Read more13.12.2021

Do you need a freezing injunction to protect marital assets?
Once a relationship has broken down, while many couples remain on good terms, sometimes the situation is irretrievable and one party’s behaviour can go beyond what is acceptable or legal. In particular, disputes over who gets what in the financial ...
Read more23.09.2021

Valuing a private company or family business in a divorce settlement
Running your own business can be the fulfilment of a lifelong dream, but it also brings stresses and strains which sometimes contribute to relationship breakdown. It certainly adds complexity when trying to agree a financial settlement after divorce. ‘The key ...
Read more02.09.2021