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Keep up to date with changes in the law, notable cases and examples of how we have helped our clients.

London HMOs

Homelessness to increase as possession cases start again

One of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many people have had difficulties paying their rent and are facing the threat of eviction and homelessness this winter. At the beginning of the pandemic the government introduced temporary ...

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Legal aid remuneration is unfair and deters lawyers from building a career, Westminster inquiry hears

Parliamentarians in the Westminster Commission into the Sustainability of Legal Aid heard evidence from family law practitioners on 19 November, including from Lorraine Green an associate solicitor at Miles and Partners who specialises in cases involving children, care proceedings, adoption ...

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Thumbnail image - Lorraine Green to give evidence to the APPG on the sustainability of legal aid in family law

Children’s lawyer Lorraine Green to give evidence to legal aid APPG

On 19 November 2020, family lawyer Lorraine Green will be giving evidence as an expert witness in the second of six oral evidence sessions in the inquiry into the sustainability of legal aid, hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) ...

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Congratulations to our three new trainee solicitors

We are delighted to announce that three of our legal assistants, Danielle Apenteng, Hira Rauf and Sara Nicoloau are taking the next step in their legal career and starting their solicitor training contracts at Miles & Partners in London, where they will be gaining experience in family and mental health and capacity law.  During their time as legal ...

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Thomas Lane, , Miles & Partners Solicitors, London

Testimonial: Patient and worked very hard to mould our instructions

“I have just finished a two-day hearing instructed by Thomas Lane and I just wanted to write to you to say how incredibly impressed I was with him.    He was faced with a tricky client, complex facts and very difficult opponent, and did a ...

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Vulnerable adult with Covid-19 saved from sofa surfing

Our client had ended up ‘street homeless’ after leaving an abusive relationship, and she suffered from mental health problems arising from the abuse including PTSD.  When the local council had determined that she was not a priority need, she was ...

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Rachel Turner, Miles & Partners Solicitors, London

Testimonial: Integrity, compassion and professional excellence

My countless thanks to you both for your integrity, compassion and professional excellence (and to [counsel], too, who was brilliant!).

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An image of a man hugging his daughter and laughing

Agreeing time with your children following separation

A separation will inevitably mean a change in the family dynamic, and you may be concerned about what this will mean for your relationship with your children.  New arrangements will have to be put in place in relation to where ...

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David Jockelson’s top tips for looking after yourself on World Mental Health Day

The past months have brought many challenges and our daily lives have undeniably changed considerably due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For many this has caused a significant impact on mental health, increasing levels of stress and anxiety. The World Health ...

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