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News & resources

Keep up to date with changes in the law, notable cases and examples of how we have helped our clients.

8 top tips for making a complaint about housing to the Local Government Ombudsman

Housing Partner Lou Crisfield has recently achieved a great outcome for a client after helping her to complain to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO): Ms Y had approached the London Borough of Croydon for assistance when homeless. ...

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Testimonial: there are not enough words to describe how grateful I am

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you in bringing my divorce matter to an end. There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am.  I couldn’t have asked for better legal representatives ...

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17,000 air miles add up for the return of abducted children

At a time when we are concerned about the effects of air travel on global warming, and the impact of the war in Ukraine on fuel prices, it may seem inappropriate to mention air miles. But there is one set ...

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Congratulations to our newly qualified solicitors Hira Rauf and Sara Nicolaou!

Miles & Partners is delighted to announce that on 1 September 2022 two of our trainees, Hira Rauf and Sara Nicolaou, qualified as solicitors, passing their final exams with flying colours. Over the course of their rigorous training contracts with ...

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BBC highlights continued illegal use of unregulated placements for children in care

Almost one year on from a ban on unregulated placements of children under the age of 16 coming into force in September 2021, a BBC News investigation has highlighted that these types of placements are still being widely used for ...

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Testimonial: diligent work

“I just wanted to acknowledge the diligent work that Zahra Manji has been doing on one of our cases  together, her work is consistently a high standard and she prioritises the needs of the child.”

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Getting a divorce in England or Wales in 2022

Since 6 April 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 completely changed the English & Welsh divorce process with the new concept of a ‘no fault’ divorce being introduced. The clue is in the name in that ‘no fault’ ...

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How to spot tech abuse within a relationship

With technology advancing, so is the potential for it to be used in domestic abuse as a form of controlling and emotionally abusive behaviour. Commonly, tech abuse includes abusive text messages or calls and demanding access to devices, such as ...

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Lou Crisfield, Miles & Partners Solicitors, London

Testimonial: Their service is fantastic

If you are looking for legal advice this is the right place to choose, they are good at their job and good at resolving housing, financial issues etc. Lou Crisfield from Miles & Partners help me so much with my ...

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