News relating to: Divorce and separation
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Getting a divorce in England or Wales in 2022
Since 6 April 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 completely changed the English & Welsh divorce process with the new concept of a ‘no fault’ divorce being introduced. The clue is in the name in that ‘no fault’ ...
Read more17.08.2022

Enforcing child contact arrangements
Following the breakdown of a relationship, most parents can reach an agreement amicably regarding the arrangements for children. Ensuring practical working arrangement requires both parents to behave sensibly and in the best interests of each child. Unfortunately, as any family ...
Read more08.08.2022

How would your social media posts be interpreted in court after a family dispute?
Many people do not go a day without checking their social media: sending a tweet, posting an Instagram story, updating their Facebook status, or sending a Snapchat to communicate with friends, family, and their wider network. But what if your ...
Read more04.08.2022

Can a non-molestation order prevent someone bothering me?
Domestic abuse can impact individuals of any age or race and is seen across all parts of society. Unfortunately, statistics from the Office for National Statistics reveal that domestic abuse is on the increase, with cases having risen by 6% ...
Read more05.07.2022

Who pays private school fees after divorce or separation?
According to the Financial Times the average fee for an independent or private school education is now over £15,000 a year for day pupils and £36,000 for boarders. This represents a substantial financial commitment over the education of a child, ...
Read more01.07.2022

Is a prenup part of your business risk management strategy?
Managing risk is an essential part of any business operation and while personal relationships do not often appear high on a business risk register, an acrimonious divorce has the power to devastate a small business. ‘While few anticipate or want ...
Read more11.05.2022

Resolving a family dispute over choice of school
As a parent you will always strive to do what is best for your children, but for separated parents this can sometimes lead to disagreement when what is best in one parent’s eyes does not align with the other parent’s ...
Read more14.04.2022

What are the grounds for divorce in England and Wales?
You can get divorced in England or Wales if all of the following are true: You have been married for over a year. Your relationship has permanently broken down. Your marriage is legally recognised in the UK, which includes a ...
Read more06.04.2022

A smoother path to divorce from April 2022
Once you have decided that your marriage is over and you have taken the first step towards divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership, most people would like to be able to complete the formalities as quickly and smoothly as ...
Read more09.03.2022